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North Idaho


High School

Class of 2020



 NIHEA invites you to join us!


Graduating from high school is one of life’s most memorable events.  Graduating from home school doesn’t mean you have to skip the memories of walking down the aisle in mortar-board cap and gown to receive your diploma.  Our traditional cap and gown graduation ceremony provides you and your family the perfect setting to truly celebrate the significance of completing your home schooling, and moving into the next stage of life.

(Pictured Left)

Idaho State Representative Vito Barbieri and

Senator Steve Vick with

2012 NIHEA Graduates


Graduation Ceremony


Jean Justus Wright, President

P. O. Box 2885Hayden, Idaho 83835

Phone:   208-661-6870 (& text) 





** See Meeting Schedule Below **


Click on the icon above to download the NIHEA Graduation Ceremony Application to participate.

Hosted by North Idaho Home Educators Association

Date to be announced 

Candlelight Christian Fellowship

5725 N. Pioneer Dr., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

(Corner of Hwy 95 and Dalton Ave.)






While recognizing differences in belief may be held by individual members of NIHEA, the NIHEA Graduation Ceremony will reflect the Biblical Christian mission statement of NIHEA.  Adult and Student Speakers during the graduation ceremony will reflect a Christian worldview.  The graduation ceremony will begin and end with Christian prayer. Christian hymns and verses from the Holy Bible will be used in the graduation ceremony and on the diploma certificate and cover.




Parents of graduation ceremony participants are expected to contribute their time and talents in some specific way to help make the graduation ceremony a very special event for their graduate. We need you! A parent must attend the January or first planning meeting, with their graduate. Each graduate must have one parent or other designated adult to assist with clean-up after the graduation ceremony (graduates themselves are also expected to stay for clean-up.)

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The NIHEA High School Graduation Ceremony is organized for the benefit of NIHEA member families.  Participation in the NIHEA High School Graduation Ceremony is open to any student who:


*  has met the requirements of their parents and State for graduation from high school,

*  is a current member of NIHEA (see our Membership tab),

*  agrees by signature to abide by the NIHEA High School Graduation Ceremony Code of Conduct and Dress Code, and

*  has completed payment of the fees required for participation by the final due date.


$100 deposit is due with your application to participate, and is non-refundable after the March planning meeting date.


*  The balance is due by the March planning meeting date.


*  Applications submitted after the March planning meeting date will be accepted on a per case basis if space and timing allow.   


*  Full payment of the total participation fee must accompany a late application.  $100 of this amount is non-refundable.


*  No part of the Participation Fee will be refunded after the April planning meeting.


Care is taken to keep the graduation ceremony participation fee as low as possible while still maintaining a high quality ceremony.


The participation fee covers the following expenses: 


Facility rental and fees for the ceremony; cap, gown, one tassel with year signet and personalized diploma with embossed padded cover; honoraria for adult guest speaker and Officiates; supplies, printing, rehearsal lunch, decorations, cake, refreshments, etc. related to the ceremony day.


The participation fee DOES NOT cover the cost of the following:


The cost of individual student graduation announcements, invitations, thank you notes or any other individual personalized printed materials.  If desired, these items can be purchased by the graduate from a local or online supplier.


Individual student honor cords or emblems.  Honor cords are awarded to a homeschooled student at the discretion of the student’s parents, and are customarily based upon acceptance into a recognized honor society, or high scores on standardized tests such as SAT, ACT or the ITED tests administered by ICHE.


For example:


*  Gold honor cords are awarded to students who score 25 or higher on the ACT; score 1800 or higher in math, English and writing on the SAT; have completed all ITBS or ITED tests with a composite score at the 80th percentile or higher during their high school years; are a National Merit Commended, Semi-Finalist or Finalist Scholar.


*  White honor cords in addition to gold honor cords are awarded to ICHE tested students with composite scores at the 90th percentile or higher during high school years, and who are recognized by ICHE as a Summa Cum Laude Scholar.


*  It is the responsibility of the graduating student’s parents to determine honor qualifications and awards for their student.


*  Honor cords may be ordered at additional cost when placing the cap/gown/tassel order with us, or may be ordered separately from an independent supplier.


*  Honor cords of colors other than gold and white may be used to indicate exceptionally high achievement in non-academic areas.



12 - 1 pm

Skate Plaza 

Hwy 95 & Dalton Ave



Jan 14

Feb 11

Mar 10

Apr 14

May 12

May 09






Held once a month, January through May, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.


  The meetings serve two purposes: 


First, the meetings will provide you with the information you need, and ensure we have the information we need from you.


Second, Equally important, the meetings provide the graduating class the opportunity to make friends with one another, and bond as a class. The overall experience on graduation day will be much more memorable and fun if the graduates have attended all of the planning meetings, and not missed out on making friends with their classmates.


*  Parents are welcome to attend all meetings, but are only required to attend the January or first meeting.


*  Younger siblings are permitted at the meetings only when a parent is present and supervising them, and they are not disruptive of the meeting. Younger siblings must stay within sight and control of a parent at all times while on meeting facility property.


All graduation ceremony participants are required to attend all of the planning meetings.  Please send a representative family member to the meeting if you have to miss one.



Parents and graduates should plan to attend this meeting together. Get all your questions answered about the NIHEA High School Graduation Ceremony. Fill out your application to participate. Pay participation fee, or at least the initial $100 deposit (check made out to NIHEA, or cash). Turn in your signed Code of Conduct and Dress Code.  Discuss Event Service Committment form. 



Discuss Opening and Closing Speeches.  Discuss display tables.  Discuss & vote on Class, gown and tassel colors.  Discuss Diploma & Regalia Order Form.  Measure for cap and gown. Discuss Graduate Participation Roles form. Discuss Event Service Committment Form.  Discuss Class Hymn.  Discuss personal Bible verse.  Discuss Baby-to-Graduate Video and personal song.



Pay remainder of fee balance due.  Discuss Program cover theme.  Turn in Diploma & Regalia Order Form with any additional items payment.  Turn in Graduate Participation Roles form.  Vote on Class Hymn and discuss hymn music.  Email personal song selections for Baby-to-Grad Video for approval.  Discuss Graduate Biography form and Senior Photo.



Opening and Closing Speech submissions are due at today’s meeting.  Proof-read Diploma certificates.  Review Graduate Participation Roles.  Turn in Event Service Committment form.  Turn in Graduate’s Personal Bible Verse form.  Turn in Senior Photo.  Review Graduation Ceremony Schedule.



Opening and Closing Speech winners announced.  Discuss venue decoration.   Distribute caps, gowns, tassels & honor cords.  Confirm Graduate Participation Roles and Prelude music. Turn in Baby-to-Graduate Video segment.  Turn in Graduate Biography form.  Review Graduation Set-Up & Rehearsal Schedule. Confirm all set-up, rehearsal and ceremony dates and times.

North Idaho Homeschool Support Group, Homeschool Graduation
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